Mar 26 2007

Kuala Lumpur, new toy

Published by at 8:19 pm under Scott's Adventures,Uncategorized

I’ve touched base with a friend of mine from Yahoo who’s living in Shanghai, and it looks like I might be able to drop by on my way home and see him!

In the meantime, I’ve noticed that life using the Blackberry as the sole source of internet access is limiting (ie. I can’t book flights with it), and so I’ve decided to by a ultra portable. Sony has a rather sweet Vaio “G” that looks perfect, and it’s quite cheap in KL. I hit the tech stores to compare prices, but after a couple days shopping, I discover that competition is quite effective here, and all the stores quote me nearly the same price (and won’t haggle).

In the end, I just buy it at the Sony Style store (same price) and get both a warrantee and hopefully some glimmer of legitimacy There’s no tax, and the price comes out quite reasonable. I see why there are so many foreigners shopping here.

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