Jun 22 2007

Vienna, tourist

Published by at 8:08 pm under Scott's Adventures,Uncategorized

After a cursory review of a few old faithful Vienna tourist spots, I figure it’s time to get off the beaten path and head down to the Gasometer. Four old brick gas tanks that have been used for Bond films and raves, they now house a mall (blech), apartments, and some really interesting modern architecture. I wander a bit and get lost in the side streets (best way to see a city in my opinion). When lost in Vienna, I find it wise to eat apple strudel with a cappuccino, and all’s right with the world. I eventually find my way back downtown in time to catch my train for Salzburg.

It’s fab to see the old Salzburg crowd again: my cousin Tini, her boyfriend Ollie, and her mom Margit. Everyone’s in fine form (it’s Friday and sunny), and we decide that first things first, we have to grab some nice cocktails!

Downtown Salzburg is small, and impecably clean. We settle for a nice little wine bar and tell stories and drink light cocktails for hours. Funny how Salzburg can feel like home so quickly!

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